The Secrets of Successful People

By firstly identifying what makes successful people so successful we have started the journey of improvement and by carrying out some practical steps we can set ourselves on that path to success. This programme explores these characteristics and gives participants the opportunity to start the process of self-improvement.

In fact, it is not that much of a secret and can be defined using a number of characteristics or traits that can be developed in individuals.  

However, you need to be aware what these characteristics are and how we measure up against them and self-awareness is key to this.


This programme explores these characteristics and gives participants the opportunity to start the process of self-improvement.

Programme objectives:

  • Identifying the key characteristics of successful people and discussing these in practical terms.
  • Self-analysis to determine whether we have the characteristics of successful people and use this self-awareness to determine areas we need to improve.
  • Creation of development plans to start the process of self-improvement
  • How to create successful people in our teams and organisation
  • To give delegates enough background and theoretical knowledge to be able to support the learning experience.
  • Discuss and practice the use of several tools and techniques developed to analyse current skills & knowledge in individuals.

Who should attend?

This Secrets of Successful People workshop has been designed for managers and supervisors but can be attended by anyone who has ambitions to develop and grow within the organisation.  This is particularly useful for succession planning and it is also suitable for HR staff who have a training & development remit.

This training workshop involves a combination of group participation and individual exercises to ensure the learning is both interesting and challenging and to ensure knowledge and understanding is retained.

The delegates will have the opportunity to use self-analysis tools which they can take away to use within their own teams.

Day One: Successful people

  • Determining the characteristics of successful people.  In-depth analysis of the various characteristics and why these make us successful.
  • Identify why these also help deliver organisational goals
  • Start the process of self-analysis in relation to the characteristics discussed.
  • Theory and evidence in relation to successful people

Day Two: Developing a plan for success

  • Further analysis of self in relation to development needs by using tried and tested techniques.
  • Development of a plan that captures the key actions required to start the improvement towards being more successful.
  • Determining the benefits to the organisation of creating and developing successful people.
  • Identifying practical steps that will ensure the organisation gives the opportunity for staff to be successful going forward.
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