St Andrews Management Centre is an approved centre of the Scottish Qualifications Authority …
We are an SQA Approved Centre
We deliver the SQA units for workplace assessors and verifiers.
The assessor / verifier units are the benchmarks of good practise which ensures that workplace assessment and verification is carried out consistently across all occupational areas.
L&D9DI: Assess Workplace Competence using direct and Indirect Methods.
This unit is for those whose role in the workplace is to assess SVQ’s using a wide range of assessment methods, both direct and indirect.
L&D11: Internally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment
This unit is for those whose role in the workplace is to monitor assessment processes and decisions within an organisation; helping to maintain & improve the quality of workplace assessments. The internal quality assurance process being conducted by the internal verifier candidate is predominately for SVQ’s.
STAMC also deliver the non-work-based version of these qualifications for “in-house” developed programmes and standards.
SVQ’s in Business Administration at SCQF Level 5, 6 & 8
Business Administration @ SCQF Level 5 requires the candidate to develop a portfolio of 8 units.
Subject areas include:
- Agree how to manage and improve own performance in a business environment
- Undertake work in a business environment
- Prepare to communicate in a business environment
Business Administration @ SCQF Level 6 requires the candidate to develop a portfolio of 8 units.
Subject areas include:
- Plan how to manage and improve own performance in a business environment
- Review and maintain work in a business environment
- Communicate in a business environment
Business Administration @ SCQF Level 8 requires the candidate to develop a portfolio of 8 units.
Subject areas include:
- Manage and be accountable for own performance in a business environment
- Manage work in a business environment
- Use information to take effective decisions
At each level, there is a wide range of optional units to suit the candidate’s role and working environment.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) funding may be available to cover all or part of the costs of these qualifications, subject to the candidate meeting SDS criteria.
Other funding may be available, depending upon the size and location of your business. Please contact us for more details at
SVQ’s in Management @ SCQF Level 7, 9 & 11
Management @ SVQ Level 7 requires the candidate to produce a portfolio consisting of 7 units, 4 mandatory and 3 optional units.
Subject areas include:
- Develop your knowledge, skills and competence
- Lead your team
- Manage people’s performance at work
- Provide health, safe, secure and productive working environments and practices
Management @ SVQ Level 9 requires the candidate to produce a portfolio consisting of 8 units, 4 mandatory and 4 optional units.
Subject areas include:
- Develop operational plans
- Provide leadership in your area of responsibility
- Develop & sustain productive working relationships with stakeholders
- Manage business processes
Management @ SVQ Level 11 requires the candidate to produce a portfolio consisting of 7 units, 3 mandatory and 4 optional units.
Subject areas include:
- Lead your organisation
- Manage continuous improvement
- Identify & evaluate opportunities for innovation & improvement
Here are our current custom-made courses:
Effective Coaching and Mentoring
This ILM level 3 accredited course is for those at all levels who want to develop their coaching and mentoring knowledge, skills and understanding in order to enhance their ability and confidence in coaching and mentoring.
Having Difficult Conversations
Difficult, challenging and unexpected conversations are a part of everyday working, whether it’s with managers, customers, colleagues, or team members.